Tuesday, February 22, 2011

PDI – use it, document it, photo it or, lose the argument

There are a number of reasons for not bringing friends, relatives and kids on a PDI, other than having to spring for the beer afterwards and shepherding the kids.  Unless they are committed to checking everything for you, they are just a distraction on what is a very important point in the purchase of your new home.  If you screw this one up, you’ll find little sympathy if you are fighting the builder with Tarion.  

Don’t forget - this time will include the builder telling you about the house systems, etc and maybe steering you away from issues he doesn’t want you to see at that time.
Ideally, PDI’s would be held far enough in advance so that the builder can repair a lot of the problems so that your life isn’t disrupted too much.  Can you imagine finding over 200 nail pops prior to moving in – each needs to be repaired and filled, sanded and, if you are lucky, painted.  Just the thing you need once your expensive furniture is moved in.  Don’t expect the workman to care about the dust, etc.
And the above has happened more than once, which I can swear to. 
I visited a site called “Ask Suter“, run by SDB Inspections, where he discussed PDI’s.  If you take nothing else from the article remember this. 
Document everything on the PDI, especially cosmetic damage. 
 If you don’t, a builder might blame you and the movers for the damage.  Like that beautiful hardwood floor you upgraded to and there is a lovely scratch from one side to the other.  You know, the kind a mover can make moving some furniture across the floor – you don’t think a builder would use that one?  Another point is to document everything, including pictures – so easy now with cell phones and digital cameras.  Make sure the time stamp is on for the pics. 
Here is a good article that will give you a lot of insight into the PDI. 
Also, SDB Inspections has another article on what the builders don’t want you to do. I’d suggest visiting it as well.
Some house inspectors don’t like to do a PDI as they are rushed or, the builder makes it rough on them and sometimes the customer. Mattamy has even banned one house inspector for PDI’s (too aggressive I guess in defending the customer).
The PDI is an important step in documenting all issues to protect yourself.  With a good builder, you might find the work unnecessary but, as you know, some who bought Mattamy might have wished they took more care in documenting everything up front so as to reduce the stress later.  My next blog will showcase such a case. 
A professional house inspector will guide you through the process and help reduce the stress for a modest fee (in comparison to upgrade costs).
Go to this Tarion Link to see what the directions are to the builder regarding a PDI. A learned and professional house inspector will know more on this aspect, especially if they have had previous contact with Tarion.  As you know – there are rules and there are rules.
And, on another note:
Have you ever wondered just how much we have changed in relation to house size for a family.  This picture shows just how much we have pushed our house sizes – interesting to see we have doubled the house size but tend to have smaller families.  And, of course, the larger homes just mean more area for error.
Growing House sizes

NOTE: My references to SDB Inspections is to be taken in no way as an endorsement of their services.  Their information though, is relevant to those buying a new house and, should be compared to other sources to ensure you get a full viewpoint.

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